LoLs..jus grabbed the neoprints from huiyi's frenster..heheS..went to bugis right after school yesterday..!..wit huiyi, jeSSica, nicoLe, yunQi and..KaChai..LoLs..eRmm..took neoprints onlii..at first got the five of us without KaChai..cuz he come late nia..we were lik waitin for him lik hell lor..then he came and we took together wit him..cuz he lend us 10dollarS..hahaS..actualli verii pity him nia..we lik never talk to him one lor..LoLs..leave him alone there..haha..realli donno wad to talk to him bout sia..but he stil quite okieS la..hmm..we saw the mediacorp artiste lai yilin..!!..she's soo dam pretti in person..LoLs..nicoLe and yunQi was soo funni..cuz they didnt saw her at first..then they ran and "chase her" jus to see her..hahaS..so funni..had lotsa fun..!..and hope to go out again..!!..heheS..
AHHH..!!..stupid dentist go disfigure mii face..!..not so "kua zhang" la..but its stil verii ugly kayyS..its lik a red scratch there..haiS..damn the dentist la..wash the teeth also donno how to wash..so angry nia!..i swear i wont go to school dentist anymor liao la..!..went to meet ying jus now at cc..bought bubletea to drink as usual..i bought my fave de oreo choco..and ying bought the honeydew de..heheS..she has not changed abit at all..stil so sweet and chattable..hahaS..nice seein her..hope to see her more often..wil miss her alot de..heheS,,oh yea , i reapeat again that i have take back mii phone and mii number is stil the same..if stil unclear, can come ask mii..thankieS..=)..
feel so troubled lately..lik smth bad is gonna happen..hope its not true and everyone is alright..teenage quick quick be out..so bored at home..wanna buy and read..hahaS..
eNjoyS your weekeNd..!=P
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