Hahas. And now i'm suffering from very bad sunburn, mozzie bites, muscle aches and a flu. Oh well. But its fun and challenging. Totally loving kayaking! Although amanda and I were one of the last few everytime..alright. Hahas. The trekking was crazy. Not because of the distance, but the weight of the backpacks on our shoulders! I promise once you had a taste of the obs backpack, you'll never complain your bag's heavy anymore! Everything else just seem to be weightless afterthat:D Hahas, there wasn't much activities actually. Just that the each activity was super longgggg. Pitched tents, cooked dinner, made friends, laughed. Miss instructor bernard! ;) &all the new friends! Tock Seng rocks! :D Bought three obs tees after everything's over. Like a bit kiasu, hehe!
And now I'm waiting for the photos! Will upload once I get my hands on it!
Went to church just now! Been two weeks since i went. Was touched and i really cried when singing 'Jesus, I surrender'. Its like singing out the voice in my heart. Pastor's talk was inspiring too. Reached out to me. Was really glad I decided to go today cuz I was feeling so lazy and tired!But God is good and He always guide me back to him :) Praise the Lord. Den went with church friends to eat near church & went to pasar malam at tpy! Hahas. I ate quite alot. Hungry! I'm wearing one of the obs tee ;) am happy to see davina&tiffany jealous because of it :PPPP

Hahas. And now i'm suffering from very bad sunburn, mozzie bites, muscle aches and a flu. Oh well. But its fun and challenging. Totally loving kayaking! Although amanda and I were one of the last few everytime..alright. Hahas. The trekking was crazy. Not because of the distance, but the weight of the backpacks on our shoulders! I promise once you had a taste of the obs backpack, you'll never complain your bag's heavy anymore! Everything else just seem to be weightless afterthat:D Hahas, there wasn't much activities actually. Just that the each activity was super longgggg. Pitched tents, cooked dinner, made friends, laughed. Miss instructor bernard! ;) &all the new friends! Tock Seng rocks! :D Bought three obs tees after everything's over. Like a bit kiasu, hehe!
And now I'm waiting for the photos! Will upload once I get my hands on it!
Went to church just now! Been two weeks since i went. Was touched and i really cried when singing 'Jesus, I surrender'. Its like singing out the voice in my heart. Pastor's talk was inspiring too. Reached out to me. Was really glad I decided to go today cuz I was feeling so lazy and tired!But God is good and He always guide me back to him :) Praise the Lord. Den went with church friends to eat near church & went to pasar malam at tpy! Hahas. I ate quite alot. Hungry! I'm wearing one of the obs tee ;) am happy to see davina&tiffany jealous because of it :PPPP
joy davina tiffany me!
Gonna sleep now, gotta work tomorrow :(
Till next time!