amanda ,, yiNg ,, susaNna ,, muNtiNg ,, mii & jeRemy..!=D

You Are a Brownie |
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What'>">What Dessert Are You Most Like?
Your Personality is Somewhat Rare (ENFP)

Your personality type is enthusiastic, giving, cautious, and loyal.
Only about 8% of all people have your personality, including 9% of all women and 6% of all menYou are Extroverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving.
How Rare Is Your Personality?

Your personality type is enthusiastic, giving, cautious, and loyal.
Only about 8% of all people have your personality, including 9% of all women and 6% of all menYou are Extroverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving.
How Rare Is Your Personality?
LOLS!..found these teSts at Sa's im a somewhat rare bRowNie..yayy..!=))..btw , if y0u aRe boRed , can go to take a l00k barrhs..!..itS quite intResting..!haiS..btw , im sick..! gettin down wit a realli bad flu sneezin all non stop since juS now..donno who paSS the flu to mii..mayb i've been in the raiN ba..feel dam sick now..!...ahma juS made heRbal tEa for mii to bitteR..but h0pe it can help a little ba..! happi cuz i finally met mii gor gor , ricky..!..afetr such a long time never met him lia0s..miss him loadS! , went out wit him last fRi , 20/4..=)..stil got , sabrina lau ,, joycelyn ,, su..fiRst , went to eat at j8..then took soMe neoprints (yayy!)..and went back to tpy to walk aRound..didnt manage to post up the neo..cuz didnt hav a scanner and nonE of theM have aS well..!..but nvm , wil try de..=)..its n0t exactly a fuN day though..quite boriN loR..but stil , betteR then nothing barrhs!..hmm..these days , have been stayin up verii late to completE pRojects..yesteRday, ii stay up til 4+am (!!) juS to do the chi rainfoRest de n0w , i havE daRk daRk ringS under mii eyes lia0..!..*sigh*..actualli , didnt plan to stay up so latE de..juS lik find the inf0 then copy&paSte can le ma..but in the end , ii spend moSt of the time designin the backgRound and fontS foR the slides..!lolS..! i woke up quite late todae loR..1+pm..!=D..but i slept at 4+am leiis , noRmal la..heheheS..although didnt managed to completE the whoLe pRoject , syil manged to complete 4 slides..eRm , stil decidin to hand up in presentation format , or priNt out and do a little booklet..eMiLy waS tellin mii to do into booklet..cuz got put in effort ma..then mayb wil get extra marks!..hahaS..but i think no time lia0 leiis..i stil have to print out the slides..get ready mii colouR papers , cut out title , heading , etc..and paste them on the papers , write out aLL the inf0 (!!) , and decorate wit cute cute lil' thingS..!..keke..quitE alot of mii alr..i've never been that serious foR a Roject befoRe loR..especially chi de..cuz in bhps , i used to quite againSt chi..cuz "li zi tou" , yuppie , tryin to complete it while bloggin + chattin on mSn + frenSter..hahaS!
oh yea , almoSt forg0t bout thE neo above...eRM..went out wit susanna and sihui last week..f0rgot which day liao..hahaS..but since susanna haS sent mii the neo we took..i might aS weLL juS put it up!=)..the next one is..take wit amanda ,, yiNg ,, susaNna ,, muNtiNg & jeRemy de..i alSo forgot the date le..but could stil remEmbeR its the day of campussuperstar audition..when susanna queued up but got puShed to thE next day since we've got so much time left , decided to juS go j8 (again!) to walk walk and take neo loR..=)..heheS.
hmm..quite enough foR todae le barrhS..! least enough to makE up of 6dayS of n0t poStin..lolS..!enjoys youR weekend..and good luck foR thoSe who aRe havin testS/examS!..((:
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